43rd Annual Snowstorm Classic
Race# 543 - Week 01 of 13 - 10KM
Saturday, Decmeber 3rd, 2022
Forest Park, Springfield, MA
USATF Course Certifications: 10km #MA12049JK, 10km #MA12048JK
Hosted by Greater Springfield Harriers
http://www.harriers.org/SnowStorm/index.html [email protected]
Thanks to all the volunteers
Neil Lamberton, Jim Gurzenski, Erika Emerson, Heather Wenninger, Mary Guertin, Doug Guertin, Iwona Boruch and Peter Stasz
Race Story
The season kicked off with a pair of new winners James Mauer & Jessica Smith.
It was a mild 53 ℉ day with light rain at the start that gradually picked up as the race went on.
The seasonably warm temps meant the rain was little more than a nuisance. Those tending to the finish line, well they got a bit wet today.
Many thanks for our awesome volunteers for sticking it out to the very last of the runners came thru.
The Hall of Fame and other series statistics pages have gone unattended for some time. With COVID, and all those virtual races, hopefully in our rear view mirror, its time to look forward and get down to the work of get them all current.
Week #1 Winners James Mauer & Jessica Smith
Photos courtesy of Jim Gurzenski
Place Name Bib# Category Cat/Tot Ag Club Time Pace ===== ========================= ==== ======== ======== == ====== ======= ===== 1 James Mauer Jr 1912 M2039 1/14 27 38:24 6:11 2 Matthew Killian 1922 M4049 1/08 42 GSH 39:13 6:19 3 Gareth Buckley 1281 M4049 2/08 46 EORC 39:17 6:20 4 Phil Roucoulet 1911 M5059 1/12 50 HTC 40:51 6:35 5 Corey Pierce 1406 M2039 2/14 20 42:27 6:50 6 Thomas Witkop 1290 M5059 2/12 50 44:47 7:13 7 Jessica Smith 1721 F2039 1/07 34 46:13 7:27 8 Joseph Harris 1357 M2039 3/14 29 47:05 7:35 9 Annie Buelt 1917 F2039 2/07 20 47:16 7:37 10 Patrick Burke 1407 M2039 4/14 36 EORC 47:53 7:43 11 Tim Gaudet 1257 M6069 1/11 67 EORC 48:00 7:44 12 David Perry 475 M5059 3/12 51 48:13 7:46 13 David Makita 1361 M2039 5/14 32 48:29 7:49 14 Mike Kocsmiersky 1643 M5059 4/12 50 48:35 7:50 15 Thomas Shea 1720 M6069 2/11 61 EORC 48:44 7:51 16 Maureen Olds 1236 F2039 3/07 37 50:23 8:07 17 Hiram Cruz 1365 M4049 3/08 40 EORC 50:35 8:09 18 Angel Robles 1366 WM0119 1/01 19 EORC 50:35 8:09 19 Connor Dobzinski 1364 M2039 6/14 24 50:37 8:09 20 Patrick Watson 1363 M2039 7/14 23 50:37 8:09 21 Pablo Zayas 1715 M5059 5/12 51 51:08 8:14 22 Joni Beauvais 1722 F2039 4/07 33 52:12 8:25 23 Brian Beauvais 1723 M2039 8/14 38 52:13 8:25 24 Debra Hevey 1900 F6069 1/02 64 EORC 52:39 8:29 25 Brian Sears 1358 M4049 4/08 44 GSH 52:43 8:30 26 Luke Donnicvinne 1405 M0119 1/03 13 53:27 8:37 27 Greg Desrosiers 1369 M4049 5/08 49 53:28 8:37 28 Colleen Cummings 51 F5059 1/03 56 GSH 53:46 8:40 29 Peter Bernard 1925 M5059 6/12 55 53:50 8:40 30 Peter Ouellette 1012 M2039 9/14 36 53:54 8:41 31 Damon Penna 1636 M0119 2/03 14 EORC 54:24 8:46 32 Francis Wood 1918 M2039 10/14 20 54:43 8:49 33 Don DeCain 1359 M6069 3/11 64 GSH 54:47 8:49 34 Tony Bonanno 1271 M5059 7/12 57 SS 54:48 8:50 35 James Pardave 1719 M0119 3/03 15 55:11 8:53 36 Bill Drohan 1368 M5059 8/12 54 55:45 8:59 37 Andrew Laprade 1921 M5059 9/12 56 EORC 56:16 9:04 38 Peter Briggeman 1272 M6069 4/11 65 HTC 56:24 9:05 39 Kevin Tranberg 1289 M5059 10/12 54 HTC 56:58 9:11 40 Gerry Kane 122 M7099 1/03 71 GSH 57:01 9:11 41 Steve O'Neil 1240 M7099 2/03 71 GSH 57:19 9:14 42 Thomas Peobody 1913 M5059 11/12 50 57:22 9:14 43 Anthony Leroux 1916 M2039 11/14 38 57:49 9:19 44 Doug Guertin 56 M5059 12/12 58 GSH 57:50 9:19 45 Brian St Jean 1914 M6069 5/11 62 EORC 58:05 9:21 46 Tom DeLuca 1362 M6069 6/11 67 GSH 58:18 9:23 47 Meaghan Graul 1360 F2039 5/07 35 59:21 9:34 48 Dan McNair 1718 M4049 6/08 48 GSH 59:24 9:34 49 Richard Harding 1539 M6069 7/11 62 HTC 59:46 9:38 50 John Wielend 1714 M4049 7/08 44 1:00:08 9:41 51 Matt Nodell 1924 M2039 12/14 23 1:00:28 9:44 52 Mary Guertin 57 F5059 2/03 56 GSH 1:00:41 9:46 53 Joanna Miles 1408 F4049 1/03 48 GSH 1:00:45 9:47 54 Brad Pellissier 1915 M6069 8/11 65 SS 1:01:00 9:50 55 Richard Hernandez 1923 M2039 13/14 24 1:01:02 9:50 56 Merideth McGowan 1356 F2039 6/07 27 EORC 1:01:14 9:52 57 Jorge Sosa 1576 M4049 8/08 46 EORC 1:01:15 9:52 58 Bob Whiteley 1716 M6069 9/11 69 1:02:08 10:00 59 Dave Johnson 1068 M2039 14/14 39 EORC 1:02:46 10:07 60 Mellisa Netherton 1355 F4049 2/03 43 1:05:25 10:32 61 Sadie Olsen 1919 F2039 7/07 20 1:05:51 10:36 62 Mary Beth Muldoon 1542 F5059 3/03 58 1:07:10 10:49 63 Marissa Quintero 1717 F4049 3/03 42 1:08:25 11:01 64 Betty Matthews 1523 F6069 2/02 68 GSH 1:08:25 11:01 65 Dave Haryasz 1286 M6069 10/11 64 1:10:10 11:18 66 David Abbott 999 M6069 11/11 60 EORC 1:10:48 11:24 67 David Livington 1367 M7099 3/03 70 1:10:59 11:26
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM RESULTS - TOP 5 SCORE COMBINED GENDER, ALL AGES - TOP 10 LISTED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EORC Empire One Running Club ( 46:54 3:54:29 11:18) ============================================================ 1 Gareth Buckley M46 39:17 2 Patrick Burke M36 47:53 3 Tim Gaudet M67 48:00 4 Thomas Shea M61 48:44 5 Hiram Cruz M40 50:35 6 Debra Hevey F64 ( 52:39) 7 Damon Penna M14 ( 54:24) 8 Andrew Laprade M56 ( 56:16) 9 Brian St Jean M62 ( 58:05) 10 Merideth McGowan F27 (1:01:14) 2. GSH Greater Springfield Harriers ( 51:30 4:17:30 17:48) ============================================================ 1 Matthew Killian M42 39:13 2 Brian Sears M44 52:43 3 Colleen Cummings F56 53:46 4 Don DeCain M64 54:47 5 Gerry Kane M71 57:01 6 Steve O'Neil M71 ( 57:19) 7 Doug Guertin M58 ( 57:50) 8 Tom DeLuca M67 ( 58:18) 9 Dan McNair M48 ( 59:24) 10 Mary Guertin F56 (1:00:41) HTC Hartford Track Club ( :00 ) ============================================================ 1 Phil Roucoulet M50 ( 40:51) 2 Peter Briggeman M65 ( 56:24) 3 Kevin Tranberg M54 ( 56:58) 4 Richard Harding M62 ( 59:46) SS Shenipsit Striders ( :00 ) ============================================================ 1 Tony Bonanno M57 ( 54:48) 2 Brad Pellissier M65 (1:01:00)